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It's a question worth asking: Why is the FCC boss being such a jerk?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

> "BTW you do realise you don't have to read stuff you know will trigger you?"

Quite right. And perhaps this particular article is not all that evil, but I've noticed that nearly every article that carries a strongly anti-Trump slant is a McCarthy piece, and they show up every other day or so, as if he's on a crusade or something. We're talking dozens of them in just the last three months. And always very very negative, particularly when NN is involved.

I do get it, Kieren is pro NN as is his right, but the topic is not as cut and dried as he seems to think. Personally I have no strong opinions on it, but given how Obama forced it on us by fiat and also how Kieren keeps hammering anyone opposed to it, my bullshite detector keeps pegging. So I try to apply a little balance. I could be wrong, sure, but I object to the tactics being used by proponents of the policy, the same way I object to those who call AGW skeptics "deniers."

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