Reply to post: Dependency duplication

Flatpak and Snaps aren't destined for graveyard of failed Linux tech yet

tiggity Silver badge

Dependency duplication

Have they fixed duplication handling yet? *

Last time I played with this was ages ago, when snaps was quite a bleeding edge thing, a snaps package could locally include the dependencies it needed, but had the case where multiple snaps package duplicated local installs of various dependencies

If this is not yet resolved and get to state of most software was done via snaps then that's a lot of wasted space via dependency duplication.

(At the time it just struck me as formalizing the approach of "local" install & run of an applications dependencies to get around issue of distro "default" versions of required dependencies being different)

* yes I could web search for the answer, but as author has recently been trying all this out I assume they can give me an answer & other article readers m,ay have same question. I know de-dupe handling was a TODO thing for snaps, but lots of software has well intentioned TODOs that tend to stay TODO (& unfixed) for ages

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