Reply to post: throws hissy fit after Twitter chokes off snoop firm's access

45RPM Silver badge

I actually wrote to Mrs May about the issue of security and encryption - and I got a reply stating that I was wrong, and that she was taking advice from the head of GCHQ (at the time Robert Hannigan) who was, by virtue of his position, right.

My opinion, shared with many here on this august red-top website, is that we shouldn’t weaken encryption and security since, if we do, we’d be making it easier for the badmash to commit their criminal acts, without making it any easier for the security services to catch the badmash (since they’d just roll their own, uncompromised, encrypted communication tools)

My opinion on Robert Hannigan is that he’s undoubtedly a very good classicist (having studied that subject at Wadham and Heythrop), but that isn’t normally a recognised discipline for developing IT expertise.

My opinion on Theresa May isn’t suitable for publication on this fine, family friendly, forum - suffice it to say that anyone who takes advice from a classicist on matters digital, makes besties with Tronald Dump, or fucks around with Brexit isn’t the smartest peanut in the turd.

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