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Kremlin-backed DNC hackers going after French presidential hopeful Macron

wolfetone Silver badge

Two problems with this story.

"The Russian cyberespionage group blamed for the infamous US Democratic National Committee email leak..."

The email accounts of Clinton and Podesta were hosted away from the DNC. They were effectively private email servers. Podesta's being a simple Gmail account, personal to him.

"The group is creating highly sophisticated phishing emails, almost perfectly replicating legitimate URLs and using a technique called "tabnabbing", which swaps inactive open tabs with an illegitimate site."

When Podesta received that email, he forwarded it to his IT guy asking if it was genuine or not. The IT guy, as a typo, replied "It's legitimate". Not "illegitimate" like he meant to. So are the emails still "sophisticated" when they were spotted to be fake?

There's probably more, but that's enough to mark this story as sensationalist nonsense.

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