Reply to post: Re: Meh

Not auf wiedersehen – yet! The Berlin scene tempting Brexit tech

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: Meh

No no no and no. Why would the UK be chained by the EU? Companies selling to the EU yes but as a country applying to global trade and actually participating in the world... no.

China can set their own standards because they're a bloc of a billion people. The EU because it's a bloc of 500 million people. The US because it's a block of 320 million people. 65 million people don't get to dictate standards. The UK was a part of that standards setting process across the whole of the EU and helped set standards that were convenient for it. Now it does not have a say in that.

Why? Are you suggesting we stop selling to the EU and cut them off in some sort of nationalist nuttiness? Sorry but I cannot agree with your nationalist view, why would we cut people off when we can trade with anyone who is interested? Or are you saying the EU is so petty and childish that they would cut us off? If so then why do we want to be chained to them?

My nationalist view? How do you think the UK will make products from materials and parts which travel three times across the Channel if it's out of the single market and customs union? How do you suppose that it will supply materials and parts to other EU countries? Answer: It won't. There will be customs tariffs and trade will be slower due to customs checks... useless when it comes to JIT economies. Distance is still important so why is it in the UK's interest to make things more difficult to trade with our neighbours if we can't trade just as easily with distant countries?

Not the EU? Thanks for clearing that up. So the Euro has nothing to do with the EU (Euro clearing threats + various banking threats). Oddly these threats do seem to be insular in nature by threatening to retreat from the world into the cartel borders. Almost nationalistic if the EU was to be one nation.

Are we talking about businesses or the euro? This article is about businesses relocating, not the euro. The UK had the good sense to opt out of the euro yet as part of the EU it could sell euro-based financial services. If it leaves then it can't sell euro-based financial services and if it goes back in then a euro opt-out won't be an option.

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