Reply to post: Re: Microsoft cheque in the post?

Microsoft's new hardware: eight x86 cores, 40 GPU cores


Re: Microsoft cheque in the post?

@Dave 126

"Microsoft's new hardware: eight x86 cores, 40 GPU cores

Damn. It's the next XBOX, not a Surface and it's going to 4k things up nicely"

"Sadly this is not a new Surface Studio or cloud server: it's the next XBOX, aka “Project Scorpio”.

I disagree, as above, the piece was definitely pushing the idea that the specs of this console are so good they could be confused for the next Surface or a server. No context was given that this is actually comparing apples with oranges when comparing against other platforms. That is not stating facts but being somewhat misleading. Hence my assertion that this came across as a puff piece that feeds perfectly into Microsoft's marketing push for this new console. And I would expect only from a lesser website concerned with keeping Microsoft on side.

User experience / how games will be on the platform was not mentioned in the article and not mentioned by me, so that part of your response is irrelevant.

So again to summarize as people seem to have difficulty understanding my point, probably assuming I am some sort of PS4 fanboi or something. This is going to be the most powerful console when it launches. I have no idea how this will translate into it being a great gaming platform. But trying to make out the hardware specs puts the device on the same performance level as an up coming surface or server platform is market BS and having an article written in such a way on the elreg is very disappointing.

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