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Customer satisfaction is our highest priority… OK, maybe second-highest… or third...


Ah, I see that Dabbsie here might like that secret hack where error messages and search engine results become more relevant the more swearwords you add to the query. (Finding the proper swearword shibboleth is left as an effin' exercise for the bleepin' reader.)

FWIW, I vaguely recall there is a school (probably as in: group of non-mammal meat sacks that would be more useful once tinned) of interface design that thinks the more cryptic the error message is, the more likely the user is to give the exact message. Of course, in reality, they tell you "it didn't work", to which the inner answer is "because you did 'it' wrong". If they ever give me a telephone that leaves the mic on for ten seconds after hanging up, I'm so getting sacked.

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