Reply to post: Re: Because of the risk, the Services decided to restrict pilots weighing less than

Head of US military kit-testing slams F-35, says it's scarcely fit to fly

WolfFan Silver badge

Re: Because of the risk, the Services decided to restrict pilots weighing less than

The size isn't the problem. I was just thinking that three of the four in the beach volleyball sequence were not merely shirtless (Anthony Edwards, a.k.a. 'Goose', Tom Cruise's GIB was the odd one out) but were well-oiled (no, not that way) and the scene was shot so as to max out the beefcake. (And now you know where all the 'Tom Cruise is gay' rumors came from.) A re-shoot of that scene, complete with oil and no tops, but with 17 to 21 year old girls, would be sufficient to pack in a certain demographic.

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