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Governments could introduce 'made by humans' tags - legal report


Seriously - who started this hyperbolic ride into mediacracy? (SWIDT)

Until they perfect robotic Checkout assistants, I will continue to laugh at the predictions falling within the next 20 years.

Oh and BTW Asda - I dont' give a monkeys. If you are open at a sensible time in the morning, which you are, and let me shop, which you do, and want to take my money, which you certainly do, I DON'T WANT TO PUT A TROLLYFULL OF SHOPPING THROUGH SELF SERVICE.

And the assistant stating that they don't start the tills till 9 - that an ASDA policy? You wonder why you are losing to Aldi and Lidl.

I'm not an angry man. Really, I am not. *sob*

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