Reply to post: Re: Yes, they look beautiful

Boeing and Airbus fly new planes for first time


Re: Yes, they look beautiful

Exactly what sort of 'disruptive design' are you wishing for, a flying wing?

Flying wings are not so practical for passenger jets. What I am wishing for is something that shortens the time I have to spend in a cramped space with bad air and smelly fellow passengers that share the same armrest. Cruise speed of the 707 was 977km/h. Cruise speed of the 787 is, well, erm, 903 km/h.

60 years of progress and we are moving slower than our grandfathers.

Edit: @AC, I agree with you. yes, there has been a lot of progress. Certainly in commercial point of view. affordable tickets are nothing to sneer at. On the other hand I feel optimisation was too one sided. No one is really pushing the limits. Certainly not the airline companies.

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