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Home Office accused of blocking UK public's scrutiny of Snoopers' Charter

veti Silver badge

The gummint is supposed to custard the tarts.

They're elected, so answerable to the electorate. But in the past 40 years or so, we've gruesomely undermined that accountability by looking over their shoulders all the time. When we put so much work into micromanaging the buggers, it becomes that much harder to blame them for fucking up.

Hell, look at Brexit. That's completely our mess. And we got it by "not trusting our politicians".

Not that it's, generally, a good idea to trust politicians too far. But it's also not a good idea to distrust them too much, because then they can't do their jobs, even if (outside chance) they're genuinely, honestly trying to. Just look at the US, anytime in the past 15 years, to see what comes of that.

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