Reply to post: Re: I rather like Windows 10.

Microsoft wants screaming Windows fans, not just users

Geoff Campbell Silver badge

Re: I rather like Windows 10.

To expand:

I like Windows 10 for the only reason anyone should ever like an OS - it meets my needs, with the minimum of drama. In combination with Office 365, it does everything I need in terms of basic IT across all platforms, and causes me no pain at all in doing so. More advanced needs require additional applications, all of which run on Windows 10 or the Server equivalents, also with no drama.

Telling me that I must be a masochist because of those choices is rather pre-supposing a whole bunch of things, and is not useful to the debate in any way. Most importantly, it pre-supposes that I'm too bloody stupid to have looked at the alternatives and evaluated them for my own requirements, which is frankly rather insulting.

Choose your own OS, and your own applications, for your own requirements. And then extend the same courtesy to others. Simple, really, isn't it?


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