Reply to post: Re: WTF?

Your internet history on sale to highest bidder: US Congress votes to shred ISP privacy rules


Re: WTF?

Ah, thanks for enlightening us. I was expecting some kind of rant from Breitbart, but it's all very clear.

The gist, cited about 3-4 times, just in case you were wondering how the heck your lawmakers were looking after your interests:

>The FCC will soon return broadband privacy policing to the Federal Trade Commission, where it belongs, like all online privacy.

So, this is NOT about Americans' privacy getting sold out at all. It's about fixing a regrettable bureaucratic turf war.

The FTC, rather than the FCC, will now soon step in and prevent ISPs from selling on your browser history for no discernible purpose other than making some extra $$$. Poor ISP companies, spending all that dosh wining and dining pols, just to have re-lobby all over again at the FTC.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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