Reply to post: jobs aren't entitlements

Robots are killing jobs after all, apparently: One droid equals 5.6 workers

bombastic bob Silver badge

jobs aren't entitlements

"When those jobs are totally automated, where are people like that supposed to find employment?"

I guess they better think about retraining, etc..

It's like if you own a business and your products aren't selling. What to do? Cry about it? Gummint bailout?

Typically a business will change its marketing strategy, lower its prices, offer something better, yotta yotta to retain the business and stay alive.

it is the same if you are an EMPLOYEE. YOU are "the business" now. YOU must MARKET your skills, and make them worth paying you for. A job is NOT an entitlement, it is not a right, it is not deserved. It is an exchange of WORK for MONEY, at whatever the market rate is.

In other words, even as an EMPLOYEE, you have a product (your labor) and a price (your wage), and your CUSTOMER (your boss) determines whether or not he wants to PURCHASE your services. The only thing that is owed is the cost of the services rendered.

So yeah, when you think about it THAT way, each person is responsible for his OWN situation when it comes to jobs, etc.. I mean, as a contractor, I deal with that ALL of the time. Why can't EVERYONE ELSE deal with that, too?

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