Reply to post: Re: 2FA

Gift cards or the iPhone gets it: Hackers threaten Apple with millions of remote wipes


Re: 2FA

I didn't as I thought it through and hit a snag:

If 2FA uses your iPhone to confirm logins what happens if you lose your iPhone? That's the one time you really need to login to iCloud very quickly from another device so you can do a remote wipe but it's also the one time you won't be able to complete the login because you've lost a main link in the 2FA chain! It's possible Apple have thought of this but I didn't find a way around it (happy to be corrected though).

Apple email me if I sign into iCloud from a new device. I appreciate that isn't fully secure but they'd have to hack my email to stop me seeing that and the email is completely separate to any service provided by Apple.

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