Reply to post: Re: Good going cobber - Pollution reasons

Anti-TV Licensing petition gets May date for Parliament debate


Re: Good going cobber - Pollution reasons

"So this means at least 50mph as many cars are most economical around 56mph.Bzzt. Not True Alert!"

Well for years European economy figures have been based on a car doing 100kph (56 mph) so manufactures had a massive incentive to make them most economical at this speed. This is mainly done by making the top gear have lowest revs at this speed. You could get better economy by using a lower gear at low revs, but then you'd be doing about 30mph on the motorway, which is even more dangerous than 80 in free-flowing traffic. Not sure if this is still the case, but it certainly was for most of the cars large and small I've had in the past.

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