Reply to post: Re: "maybe even IoT could be eventually useful?"

If we must have an IoT bog roll holder, can we at least make it secure?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "maybe even IoT could be eventually useful?"

3) I know that I normally use <20 sheets per day.

Somewhere, this data is being stored for evaluation and future use. They may conclude that you're constipated, or very unhygienic, or that you hold your guts until you get to work, or that you have a very healthy diet, always get a clean break, and that you're a "folder" not a "scruncher".

Future employers are already blacklisting you just in case, toilet roll makers are preparing a smear campaign against the likes of you, and a whole range of product retailers are preparing to offer you everything from organic vegan wholegrain products to stool softeners.

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