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Munich may dump Linux for Windows


Yep when you compare Enterprise Linux distributions they usually have far more holes per year than an equivalent Windows install - even with a cut down Linux install to match Windows OOB functionality.

The main thing with that (which unlikely is true - at least I see you MS shills no longer try to compare a weeks worth of MS OS-only exploits to a decade's worth of Linux+BSD+Mac OS+all software ever written for them and say "see, Linux etc had 2 more exploits total for the decade than Windows had for the week, Windows is so much more secure" - well done on that improvement!) is that while the MS average fix time is "we will never fix it" and in the ones they do fix, you have weeks or months till they acknowledge it is there (a few times in the past I have had MS MULC1 or whatever they call them saying that a certain fault is "impossible" even when it can be demonstrated to them quite easily), then up to a month till the update actually gets on to your computer, where you then have the fun of forced reboots for minor updates to a crappy "web browser", settings/policies being changed, your personal data fed back to MS and so on. Oh, and likely the loss of internet use or other "minor" hardware changes, like your screen no longer working.

Think I'll take the very slight risk that this could catch me over the very likely risk that I would have something running in Windows that I don't know about, whether the malware/spyware came from MS or elsewhere.

1 Most Useless Lying C...

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