Reply to post: Re: Trace of lifeforms 3.7 bln years old

Move over, Bernie Ecclestone. Scientists unearth Earth's oldest fossil yet: 4bn years old

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Trace of lifeforms 3.7 bln years old

"It is also worrying because if life is very common, why haven't we seen more evidence of it?"

Not in the least. Just because life is common doesn't mean intelligent life capable of communication over inter-stellar distances is plentiful.

At present, pretty much all we can do shout and hope someone is listening. And if someone is listening (and happens to hear us), will they bother to reply and if they do how many decades before the reply reaches us?

That we have, as yet, no evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in our galaxy, never mind the rest of the universe means nothing.

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