Reply to post: Re: Please do this TfL.

Uber: Please don't give our London drivers English tests. You can work out the reason why


Re: Please do this TfL.

Can someone explain to me HOW if the driver and passenger cant communicate, how do you expect the passenger to be taken where they need to be. Im aware that sometimes there are language blocks...BUT english is a so called 'international language' and in my experience most foreigners can with help from us make themselves understood....unless of course the driver dont speak english to start with. When i started in the cab trade we had to know the area we worked in,similar to Londons Knowledge and no we didnt have fact i still dont have one....just an A to Z. If Uber want to operate then they should work by same rules as the rest of us. Also, in respnse to the guy who wanted to go from where was it Croydon to Brixham, and ended up in Bristol....if that did happen then I would personally have rung the bank to stop the payment and if instructed by police to pay or arrested....i would elect arrest and go to court...the driver is taking the piss doing that. It has happened locally and i picked the people up after the driver threw them out of the car. All i got told by our council was its EU rules....which is bullshit. I know for a fact that EU counties,some have very strict licence rules like we used to have...and its individual member states that decide their own rules. Also locally in my area, most UBER drivers may come through the European route but do not originate from Europe....more African,Pakistan problem with that as long as they meet the required standard of english and local knowledge. Getmany dont employ Spanish bricklayers to sork as surgeons, so why do we give licences to drivers who dont know the difference between Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower.

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