Reply to post: Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks

IBM UK: Oh, remote workers. We want to be colocated with you again

Anonymous Coward

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks

The root of all this seems to be that even in 2017 some organizations have not realized that people work better in different ways.

Management is the art of getting the best out of the team that you have in the time you have available. What I see here, and in numerous other examples of management by diktat, is trying to make everyone work in the same way. That is doomed to failure, because people quite simply do not work in the same way. Knowledge work is not like assembly line work.

To take an example from my own industry, I spend a lot of time at a customer in New Jersey. Some people go into their offices and shut the door so they can think clearly. Other people save their hardest problems for their lunchtime stroll with a colleague, out in the sunshine chatting things over with nary a whiteboard in sight. Some folks like the collaboration spaces where they can sniff markers^W^W draw network diagrams and think visually. Some folks find offices an endless source of distraction, gossip and nonsense and prefer to work in their garden shed.

In the end, is that really so hard to understand? You either produce good work, and get on with your colleagues, or you don't, in which cases sayonara.

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