Reply to post: Re: @Streaky First it's optional...

Microsoft slaps Apple Gatekeeper-like controls on Windows 10: Install only apps from store

Robert Helpmann??

Re: @Streaky First it's optional...

MS will not screw you over if there's no profit in there for them.


The setting would have an obvious benefit to security by steering users away from potentially backdoored copies of popular applications. By limiting the installation of software to the Windows Store, Redmond could help to ensure that only properly screened apps are installed and eliminate the possibility of users being duped into running malware packages.

The first statement from AC points out how disingenuous the second is. Security is all about understanding and control by the system owner. The given settings will cede control to MS which has goals that are not necessarily in line with those of the system owner and actively discourage awareness and ownership. It might marginally increase security for your standard home user, but only marginally and only for a limited time.

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