Reply to post: Re: So...

Autonomous cars are about to do to transport what the internet did to information

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: So...

What has happened rather is that it has become relatively obvious even to the average numpty that faux news is all that has ever been on offer.

There is now simply a choice of which faux news to believe.

I think this was always the case, even when we only had a few media choices. If you solely read The Times you would have a different view of events than if you read The Mirror. Now - as then - the only way of discerning truth is by comparing multiple sources and not believing anything unless confirmed by multiple original sources. Currently I'm following BBC, Times, Private Eye and Grauniad - I mostly trust what the BBC say, Private Eye lets me know what they don't say, Guardian to keep an eye on the intellectual left and Times to know what the dirty digger is up to.

However, most people don't want truth. They want their own world views and pre-conceptions confirmed and to live inside their own filter bubble. The filter bubble is what actually creates "fake news" because people with the same world view confirm the "validity" of the story.

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