Reply to post: Re: Re:Why? and then we ask ourselves why women in are few and far between

Uber hires Obama's attorney-general to review its workplaces

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Re:Why? and then we ask ourselves why women in are few and far between

"HR say it's all legal"

It SCREAMS like some l[aw]yer came up with that particular 'hack' to get on the good side of the quota-nazis.

You should, of course, pick people who are most PROFITABLE for the company, instead. There is NO other criteria for business to be successful. Anything else is just a bunch of FEELERS "feeling" instead of thinking.

Hiring quotas. Worst thing EVAR excreted from the bowels of hell to justify social manipulation by gumint elitists [keeping themselves in power because they're 'such good people'], while PRETENDING to 'level the playing field' for hiring. How manipulative.

_I_ know why fewer women are Uber drivers: It's _DANGEROUS_ to let strangers ride with you in your car. And too many gummints pass laws to LIMIT! YOUR! ABILITY! TO! DEFEND! YOURSELF! *LEGALLY*!!! Net result: fewer women willing to take THAT risk. There's just not enough money in it.

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