Reply to post: 'I read that in the original article.'

The Register's guide to protecting your data when visiting the US

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

'I read that in the original article.'

Sure, but I felt it was worth repeating here's why... Device makers, banks and governments have been pushing hard for fingerprints, in spite of all the evidence against it and the inherent risks etc (Once leaked, biometric info can't be just changed like a password etc).

1. Tests have shown that its remarkably easy even with a mid-level camera from a distance away, to photograph palms well enough to get prints that can break into many fingerprint devices.

2. Meanwhile Hackers have laughed and said bring it on fools...

3. The fact that passwords are off limits, but you can be forced to unlock a device using fingerprints by US customs can't be ignored. So is Uncle Sam pushing device makers towards this agenda?

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