Reply to post: There's always one after every currency article

Kids these days will never understand the value of money


There's always one after every currency article

You describe two perfectly reasonable practices as if they are some horrendous fraud.

Firstly: fiat currency. The horror! A society agree to exchange tokens as a representation of value. That's how a huge, complex civilisation works. Yes, the fact that the government can just print more is potentially a very real problem. It is also potentially a solution to other problems as well. Like everything governments do, the people should hold them to account.

Secondly: fractional reserve banking. The horror! This is just how banks work. If you have excess money, but are too busy to directly invest it, you lend it to the bank by placing it in an account. They in turn lend it out to people or businesses who need it. Interest gets paid along the way. The fact that the money gets repeatedly lent out each time it hits a bank account means that it's being utilised fully. Yes, the numbers on screens are far in excess of the actual cash. Yes, it's a huge trust exercise, and if everyone withdrew their cash the banks would go bust. Sometimes that happens.

Society is a huge network of people all trusting each other not to screw everything up. That's how it has always been. That's why we should be nice to each other and try to get along, for all our sakes.

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