Reply to post: That was an Epson printer

Hacker: I made 160,000 printers spew out ASCII art around the world

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

That was an Epson printer

In one of the pics I saw an Epson printer thus exposed, so I had a quick check of mine with nmap:

Host is up (0.0015s latency).

Not shown: 5256 closed ports


80/tcp open http

139/tcp open netbios-ssn

443/tcp open https

445/tcp open microsoft-ds

515/tcp open printer

631/tcp open ipp

1865/tcp open entp

9100/tcp open hp-pdl-datastr

Wow :(. Mine hangs off an isolated subnet so it doesn't see the Internet, but yeah, it could do with some control.

Now, that said, the number of people who have that raw on the Net ought to be small as most networks are behind NAT, so I wonder how this can be accessed from the public side of even the most basic routers.

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