Reply to post: Re: the tissue distribution

Would you like to know why I get a lot of action at night?


Re: the tissue distribution

" There are times when I wonder how easy it would be to build a powerful focussed-EMP device. Just for experimentation honest."

I've often thought a piece of burning paper tossed in through the open window would be enough.

The EMP gives larger deniability though. Just don't use it too often.. Although Dr Who fans would know to beam microwaves at a small spot in the roadway so it heats up a little, and pop out and dig into it a little each night so the pothole oddly grows larger as each day passes...

I think EMP would have issues with the metal shell surrounding most cars, but it could be fun to try, just for the educational purposes of building such a device and triggering it.. I have a, er, very close friend shall we say, who, well.. He wants to donate his car to the cause, so we can see what effects such a device would have. He even wants to do it in a manner where he will be completely surprised when it happens. Just so you know it's him and it's OK to fire an EMP device at his car, he drives around with horrible noises blaring from his stereo. Just bear in mind that the EMP may have some temporary ill effects on his cognitive skills and he may actually forget how willing he is for this to be done, and that he knows me at all... ;)

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