Reply to post: Re: "welcome the changes your administration has made in recent days."

US tech giants take brave immigration stand that has nothing to do with profit whatsoever

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: "welcome the changes your administration has made in recent days."

Today we make the self same widget... it takes 1 machine and 1 setter,

That setter needs at least a technical college if not an engineering degree. Something Germany produces with the ruthless efficiency of a VW, BMW or Mercedes plant and in the quantities Bosch makes white good components. It is the way the government subsidizes manufacturing - it does it by setting up the education system to mass produce qualified labor. South Korea is similar too.

USA - nowhere near. UK - nowhere near either. In order to traverse the education system and end up with the education needed to work in modern manufacturing you have to spend more than the manufacturing job will pay back for decade(s).

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