Reply to post: Re: Quality of Service is probably more important to me

Millions of Brits stick with current broadband provider rather than risk no Netflix

Jon 37

Re: Quality of Service is probably more important to me

> The customer service is crap whoerver you go with anwyay!

A&A have really great customer service - they have real engineers who know what they're talking about answering the phones at their UK office, and they have a reputation for yelling at BT Wholesale/Openreach a lot to get problems fixed. But they're more expensive than "bundled" broadband from your phone provider. I think they're worth it!

(Not affiliated with them, but am a happy customer - two ISPs refused to fix my line fault, the first fobbed me off and refused to send anyone, and the second tried to charge me to send an engineer to fix it. I moved to A&A who fixed it with one phone call plus one engineer visit).

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