Reply to post: Re: No quite wizadry but.../ Percussive Maintenance

Naughty sysadmins use dark magic to fix PCs for clueless users

Brian Miller

Re: No quite wizadry but.../ Percussive Maintenance

A friend of mine related a story about percussive maintenance. When he was in the US Navy as an electronics tech, there was a certain terminal that would break once in a while, When said terminal was reassembled, it might need a whack on the side before the CRT scan would sync up. A young lieutenant was ushering a group of visitors on the bridge when my friend had finished maintenance. The display went on the fritz, and the lieutenant told his visitors, "Now see how this sailor uses his technical expertise to fix the problem." Since my friend was known to be religious, he said a prayer: "Heavenly Father, please show your mercy and blessings upon this terminal. Heal!" And "laid on hands" on both sides of the terminal, whereupon it commenced to work.

He was told by the captain, "Never do that again, unless I'm there to laugh my ass off!"

(Personally, I have had a "broken" printer that commenced to work immediately as I walked in the room.)

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