Reply to post: Re: Problem with Anti-Virus

Former Mozilla dev joins chorus roasting antivirus, says 'It's poison!'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Problem with Anti-Virus

"The problem lies in the way AV products went the "snake oil" route in an attempt to protect and heal you from any disease".

I would suggest that the needs of computer security are very hard to cater for in the competitive free market environment - especially when most software (and some hardware) is proprietary and secret.

Security cannot be added on like a box on the side - or if it is, it won't work very well at all. Ideally it needs to be built right into the system at a deep level, preferably when the system itself is first designed. That is somewhat easier to do with FOSS, although there too there are serious obstacles.

On top of everything there is the chronic incomprehension and patience of users - all the way from your husband, wife or SO to the CxOs of a big corporation - who don't want to hear anything about how computers work, just to have the benefits all the time without any interruptions or hiccups.

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