Reply to post: Re: Yet ANOTHER Trump story?

Trump signs 'no privacy for non-Americans' order – what does that mean for rest of us?

tom dial Silver badge

Re: Yet ANOTHER Trump story?

I do not object to Register articles on US political matters, and in fact often find them and the ensuing commentary of interest in rasing issue and making points that had not occurred to me. That is not to say they are not sometimes slanted; they are, but not necessarily more than those in other news sources I read.

Of the four articles from yesterday on "Trump" I only looked back at the one on Trump administration use of the RNC private email server, so this comment, too, is potentially and probably actually biased. That said, the article, and the Newsweek article on which it seems to have been biased and misrepresent the facts.

"Senior members of the administration have been accused" of having RNC email accounts, not of using them for official duties. They also have not, according to the Newsweek article, been accused of continuing to use them (or, indeed, of using them at all). The Newsweek article also contains a statement from the RNC that the accounts have were deleted yesterday and suggests strongly that they never were used at all for sending or receiving email. To be fair, that was in a revision that may have been made after the Register story was posted.

The relevance of the 22 million "lost" RNC email messages from the first couple of years of GW Bush's second term is somewhat marginal, but might be considered a bit slanted in omitting the fact that they were recovered in the first year of the Obama administration. In that context enclosing the word "lost" in quotes also might be thought to show a slant; as far as I can remember or could find today, evidence never was offered to indicate anything other than an IT operations failure, albeit one that may have been overlooked, possibly for its beneficial side effect of (temporarily) precluding disclosure of the email contents.

The points about appearances, however, are quite on the mark.

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