Reply to post: Re: The problem with anything free and open...

Stallman's Free Software Foundation says we need a free phone OS

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The problem with anything free and open...

Your "windows vs linux" argument is shallow. You are merely regurgitating the years of inbreeding and isolation behind the facade of the desktop. In the real world, most things are running on Unix and Linux. I used to use that as a example for idiots, and I'm being nice, that could not accept they were already Unix users on a daily basis; every time they picked up the phone they were using a system running Unix, not Windows. The bulk of the world's compute infrastructure is NOT running Windows. Even inside Microsoft's own Azure Cloud you can routinely spin up non-Windows instances. Why? Because the bulk of the world's compute infrastructure is not running Windows. Desktops, and tablets? Yes, there's lots of Microsoft variations there, and the recent phone. There are far more operating systems, and things much like operating systems, running variants of Unix and Linux overall. This is known.

I use Windows 7 mostly these days, but I "fix" it by running BASH instances from the super cool Git tools that seem to have forked CygWin, which I also was a big fan of. And nowadays I can run quite a few VM wrangler apps; right now it's Oracle's VirtualBox with the Vagrant command line tool. It just doesn't matter how much windozy garbage there is in this crusty 7 year old Windows build because, thank Science, that I can run proper OSes on top of the crap heap. YMMV.

I kinda know a lot about desktops because I've been using every different flavor of every different desktop ever for several decades, except BEOS and some obscure window managers, and I'd rather use any of the Linux desktop WMs on top of a proper Linux kernel than either Mac or Windows desktops. Because in the end, you should be able to decouple your work from the silly desktop paradigm and run/edit your junk remotely via a command line. Why not? If you require a mouse, you may be looking for cheese. It's needed for some visual editing, but requiring it for your work otherwise is a sign of design weakness.

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