Reply to post: Re: My Personal IPv6 Beef

Windows 10 networking bug derails Microsoft's own IPv6 rollout


Re: My Personal IPv6 Beef

You seem to have missed the fact that you are no longer tied to having 1 IP address per machine. It is expected to have both an ULA and a global prefix assigned to each LAN machine.

Use DNS views for .local domain to present the ULA for internal machines. That way your machines can use their ULA for LAN communications and whatever random value global-scope has that day for outbound WAN connections. Anything that needs to receive global connections should have fixed IPs so you can either setup a NAT66 to map those to the ULA or assign the appropriate global IP as a third address on the machine presenting that service.

What you end up with is static IPs for services provided to the world, an ephemeral global-scope range for outbound connections, and a static ULA range for internal traffic.

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