Reply to post: Re: Facebook?

Oh, for F...acebook: WhatsApp, critics spar over alleged 'backdoor'


Re: Facebook?

> If you've done that and can still see your account details online, thats pretty much what I feared.

I think it depends on when you found out about the acquisition. I wasn't paying much attention, and only when it hit more "mainstream" news did I find out facebook was taking over whatsapp. Chances are at that point facebook may have already made it a point of the merger contract to not actually delete profiles.

If you found out earlier, than perhaps you stood a chance to extricate yourself from it. You can't be sure, even if someone tries to view/search for you via whatspp using your number (as it might just be "hidden").

Sometimes it feels like you have to be constantly on your toes and mobile technologically to stay out of the grasp of these companies.

As others have noted, most people don't realise/care so much, so unless you want to be that "one guy" nobody can get in touch with except through a dedicated app nobody else uses (and keeps changing), most people eventually give in.

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