Reply to post: Its all cobblers

US Navy runs into snags with aircraft carrier's electric plane-slingshot

Dave 15

Its all cobblers

We should have catapults (probably steam!) on the new ships... they are bigger than the aircraft carriers we had in the '70s which successfully launched jets from steam catapults... so these must be able to do the same. We could then start making some more Buccaneers and similar superior BRITISH planes for our BRITISH aircraft carriers using BRITISH tax payers in BRITISH factories... hey ho

In the interim ... i.e. while the idiot civil servants allow the navy to fix the ridiculous stupidity of their no catapult blunder... we should put a factory together and make some more nice shiny new Harriers... a vertical take off plane that doesn't rely on using a massive chunk of flabby body to hold a stupid fan... we at least managed to design a sensible plane (so sensible the Americans still use it in preference to the pile of crap they foisted on us)

But hey ho... how would we use British tax payers money to support foreign competitors to our own industries if we didn't squander buckets of money on foreign crap instead of making it ourselves. (TSR2 anyone?)

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