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Hackers could turn your smart meter into a bomb and blow your family to smithereens – new claim


Sounds to me like you would be wise - as you are an electrician - to install your own un-interruptible supply for lower power devices such as clocks, lighting etc.

Its worth considering say installing a 1KW sine wave invertor - and run that from batteries ( say 24V DC with reasonable capacity - say 100AH and of course good current capability since if running at near 1Kw = 1000 w (plus inefficiency say 10% ) = 1100w/24v = 41.67 A ). Batteries of course can be charged either from the public supply - or indeed from solar panels...

I REALLY do think that we are entering into an entirely "new" concept" of electrical supply here.

for those of us that "think" -- I reckon we are going back very much to a separate "DIY" solution that is ENTIRELY independant of this big brother technology - that in my opinion is going to fail big time in the future. We are all "sleep walking into technology " - that few understand

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