Reply to post: Re: Windows 10 can F*CK right off...

Folders return to Windows 10's Start Thing


Re: Windows 10 can F*CK right off...

"Everything about windows 10 is a nasty bodge."

Worse than that it's a nasty bodge that was thrown together in a panic when the scale of the Win8 disaster became clear to MS after they finally stopped being in denial about what a disastrous mistake it was..The nasty bodge was then released before it was properly finished. A consistent and usable UI, reliability and so much else was missing, hence the continuous stream of patches released since as they ricochet about towards something that will start to look like a finished product.

The air of denial still emanating from MS proves that they are still in semi panic mode, and it all feels a bit too much like desperation for me to have any desire to actually risk trying to use it as my desktop OS.

Personal experience has shown that working in such an atmosphere of "trying to quickly make it better under pressure" leads to buggy, incosistent software that hangs around for years as you leave the hastily cobbled together bits alone that mostly work to fight the next fire. And so the "clean Windows rewrite from the ground up" becomes a buggy, inconsistent rush job that will now hang around for years to come whlst being tinkered with to release occasional "best ever" versions, leaving users n exactly the same position that all previous incarnations of Windows did.

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