Reply to post: Re: Just out of interest what were the complaints about?

BT and Plusnet most moaned about broadband providers. Again

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Just out of interest what were the complaints about?

"I would suggest that if you deal with BT it is best to go via the options team, I have had problems in the past with sales where they sell me a package and then charged me more than we agreed, also a bad employee who took exception to the low price I was paying now I insist upon email confirmation of what is agreed and have needed it to prove that they had made the mistake before it was resolved."

Record your calls. When they dispute things ask them if they'd like to listen to your recording or would they prefer it was played back in court and you will be ensuring they're summonsed as a hostile witness to verify it was their own voice.

Don't rely on a DPA request to get the recording. I've run into a number of telcos and banks who've conveniently lost their recordings. It makes it even more amusing when they do this (the courts and ombudsmen take this as all-but-explicit admission of guilt) and you're able to play your recording at odds with what they claimed was the content of the conversation.

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