Reply to post: Quoting climate change "believer" Mark Seal

Climate change bust up: We'll launch our own damn satellites if Trump pulls plug – Gov Brown

Pompous Git Silver badge

Quoting climate change "believer" Mark Seal

As the forum continued to grow, as the blog began to catch traffic, and as I continued to try and recruit green members I continued to be disappointed with the debate. In short, and I am sorry to say it, anti-greens (Reds, as we call them) appear to be more willing to comment, more structured, more able to quote peer reviewed research, more apparently rational and apparently wider read and better informed.


The only feasible explanation that I can come up with so far is that perhaps Greens are less invested in the status quo, and therefore less motivated to protect it? The other possibility is that we are all completely wrong and we’re deluded – please tell me this isn’t so.

[Emphasis mine] Green Advocates Failing in Climate Debate

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