Reply to post: "it needs an overhaul and the sooner the better"

Samsung SmartCam: Yes, those eyes really are following you around the room

Pascal Monett Silver badge

"it needs an overhaul and the sooner the better"

It obviously does.

First, replace the app with a simple pilot app and create a proper PC-based control station that the camera connects to via WiFi. The PC should be the gateway to the camera, it can have a firewall properly configured.

Put all the parametering and complicated stuff (with the easy-to-use online help guide, right ?) on the PC app, as well as robust phone-to-PC and PC-to-camera connection authentication (because you forgot that part, didn't you ?). A phone is just good to pan & tilt, zoom and view the images, it does not have the technical ability to do anything else in an easy way.

That way, the PC is the copy station for the data, not an easily-removable SD card. Give it an optional cloudy thingy if you want, with a properly-secured and encrypted connection (does Samsung have the tech expertise to do that ?) and time-stamped data for police forensics.

In short, do a proper job this time.

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