Reply to post: Re: Error in the text

Men! If you want to win at board games this Christmas, turn off the rock music – scientists

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Error in the text

"Attention seeking commentator blasts any science that his tiny mind can conjure any explanation for."

Film at 11 in your bathroom mirror!

I always find that mostly backwards, hillbilly-type assholes are the ones so concerned with science not providing them with instant answers, or a robot girlfriend. Which are you, boy?

A family member just got a new, high-tech heart valve installed with a procedure so noninvasive they were up the next day and released in two. They said "thank god" and I reminded them that no god had anything to do with it, then I thanked science for them. They know.

So, Science Bless Us, Everyone. But not Everytime... :P

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