Reply to post: About GMail user names

Sysadmin told to spend 20+ hours changing user names, for no reason


About GMail user names

An AC, Truckle The Uncivil, Richard 12, Terry 6: I don't think GMail cares about dots (periods, full stops) in its user names: It just discards and disregards them.

For instance, Truckle says: "My gmail address has a dot between first and last name. Theirs (multiple people) does not and I get their emails all the time", and Terry: "my firstname.surname@gmail addy doesn't seem to go to the American who shares my name. But I do get some of her messages from time to time"

I think both Truckle and Terry are seeing the same phenomenon as Richard, who wrote: "Which then causes annoyance anyway, as gets a huge amount if email intended for"; that is, Truckle's and Terry's namesake(s) are probably actually firstname.surname_1 or firstnamesurname97 or whatever, and the mails Truckle and Terry get are the ones where people forget the numbers.

From my testing, GMail really doesn't seem to give a damn about dots (periods, full stops). Try it: Send mail to firstnamesurname@gmail or or even f.i.r.s.t.n.a.m.e.s.u.r.n.a.m.e@gmail, and I'll bet you get them, as long as you get the letters right.

Personally, I hope Casey Conrad in Ohio got her cable TV fixed on the second or third appointment she set up, that Charles R. Conrad doesn't miss any of his U-Haul payments even though he isn't getting the e-mail reminders, and above all that young Cade Conrad in Louisiana would fucking well subscribe to all those gaming and paintball and sports websites with HIS OWN darn address.

Oh, and that ungrateful bitch Christina Conrad in California, whom I went to considerable effort to track down and tell her over the phone that a manager at the company where she'd applied for a job had sent her an invitation to an interview, only to be rudely told that I was disturbing her and she couldn't understand my "weird accent" and she didn't much care for that position after all: May she remain unemployed for ever. Live in cardboard box under a bridge, that kind of thing.

"D'oh!", for people who don't even know their own darn e-mail address.

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