Reply to post: Re: One thing's for sure

What can we use to hit Intel between the eyes, thinks Qualcomm – a 10nm ARM server chip

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: One thing's for sure

"The question is just whether and how a "newcomer" with their whizz-bang CPU can work it all out when the shit hits the fan."

ARM SoC partners are more often than not licencing an ARM core which has not only been through ARM's own core design verification, but also some other chip/system vendor has usually already shown the cores cope with real work. The SoC vendor takes the known good core design and re-uses it "as is", just adding their own IO and stuff around it on the same chip. Re-use which rather reduces the risk of falure. Obviously someone has to be first to prove any particular core/SoC combo actually works right. It's a tradeoff, as most engineering decisions are. Most sensible engineering decisions are based around things other than faith.

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