Reply to post: Re: Intel seem to be a bit fallable

Why your gigabit broadband lags like hell – blame Intel's chipset

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Intel seem to be a bit fallable

Should have gone with an ARM SOC.

A bit difficult - cable is a duopoly - Broadcom (which uses mips for cable) or Intel. They both suck in their unique wonderful way - violation of specs, bugs obscure quirks, etc.

This is one of the reasons I have declined SH3 every time Virgin tries to shovel it down my throat. I stay with SH2 as it is the last CPE which can still do bridging. So I use the Broadcom chip within in the most stupid mode possible - as a bridge and hook it up to an OpenWRT. No intelligence allowed (as there ain't any - it's cable).

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