Reply to post: A trace amount of animal fat makes veggie heads (carnophobics) go bonkers.

Plastic fiver: 28 years' work, saves acres of cotton... may have killed less than ONE cow*

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

A trace amount of animal fat makes veggie heads (carnophobics) go bonkers.

They really are a hyper sensitive bunch. A bit too much on edge it seems.

Hitler who was a bit unhinged went vegetarian later in life. Although the vegetarian part does get disputed. ( being unhinged doesn't )

This is worth a look :

From the "Conclusions" section of the above link :

"Rather, our results are more consistent with the view that the experience of a mental disorder increases the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet, or that psychological factors influence both the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet and the probability of developing a mental disorder."

Finally, when I see veggie heads ranting it does remind me a bit of the character Jack D. Ripper in Dr Strangelove ranting on about "bodily fluids". Maybe that's just me ...

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