Reply to post: Re: only thing I ask

Debian putting everything on the /usr


Re: only thing I ask

Replying to myself here. systemd systematically(d) tries to outsmart the sysadmin, that is a consistant design choice, and a very bad one. "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" Yeah well, we're not lost in outer space and there are more serious init systems available, so systemd can go sing lullabies for whoever is interested, for all I care.

As a sidenote, "systemd isn't only used to boot conventional Linux distributions, note. " is entirely wrong. I'm yet to see a systemd port for MSWindows or BSD, or anything else than conventionnal Linux. systemd is indeed only used to boot (read "init") very specific Linux systems (namely, Poettering's own machine) to the exclusion of anything else. Unless I missed something, which is possible.

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