Reply to post: Re: Wow

Microsoft promises 'equal access' to LinkedIn to get EC green light for acquisition

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Wow

"You need to found your own business, mate"

yeah, well, THEN you have to deal with customers and ridiculous requirements, sudden changes in plans (broken promises) that cost YOU money, yotta yotta yotta.

it never changes. "who's the boss" is your customer now. And in many ways it's worse. But _I_ prefer it. So yeah, better to own the business, sign the FRONT of the checks, and know a HELL of a lot more about what's REALLY going on. And, unfortunately, earn LESS money...

I have a LinkedIn profile from YEARS ago. I rarely update it. When I access my profile, I have to use a browser that dumps all cookies/history after I close it, because of the aggressive tracking they do NOW [but didn't do when I signed up 'forever ago']. I carefully AVOID having any linked-in data stored locally. Like face-b****, it _CAN_ track you via invisible graphics and scripting and those little icons at the top of certain web pages...

yeah maybe time to dump MY profile. I'm considering it.

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