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Amazon's Netflix-gnasher to hit top gear In December

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The question is...

Is this modern version of a Mad Max car chase worth £79/year?

Or is it a very, very expensive loss leader in order to get you to buy more stuff from Amazon?

I'm getting lots of 'we thought you might like' emails from them at the moment. Mostly they are for the same effing thing/product type that I actually bought from them. Do I really need another 50in 4K TV?

As a result, I've decided that Amazon will be one of the last places I go shopping for now. They know far too much about me, you and everyone.

Posting AC because I did search for some 'bedroom' toys a few years ago and still get emails about them. As I'm with a different partner these days, they could prove a tad embarrasing if the new one sees those emails.

Seriously considering deleting my account if that is the only way to stop them coming.

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